About project

The project AI-EmpaTe aims to equip teacher education students and primary and secondary teachers with the fundamental knowledge, skills and competence to organize AI as teaching content in education. The project’s main goal is to design an open online course which includes several modules for the teacher education students, in-service and pre service primary and secondary school teachers to assist them in planning, preparing, and implementing AI as teaching content from scratch.


online course

Designing open online course for teacher education students and primary and secondary school teachers.


Producing a handbook on effective AI practices across all educational levels (primary to higher education) in all participating countries.


Piloting and making necessary adaptations on the final version of the open online course.


Preparing a recommendations report.

Results and outcomes

Handbook on the best practices on AI use
Evaluation Framework to determine AI literacy
Designed open online course with 8 modules
Mobile and laptop application
8 video tutorials with practical tips on AI use
Improved AI skills for 80 teacher education students and 80 primary and secondary school teachers  – Organised 4 webinars
Produced 5 open access scientific papers
Produced 1 policy recommendation

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.